A combination of unfavorable conditions, from drought in the south to hard winters further north, and continued habitat loss will make the 2011-2012 quail hunting season tough on hunters.
On top of the drought in Texas to the hard winter in Iowa, there are 5 million fewer Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres – many of which acted as quail habitat - than there were just four years ago. Quail Forever is advocating for a strengthened CRP and other federal conservation programs in preparation of the upcoming Farm Bill, but we cannot do it without your support as a Quail Forever member.
Despite the overall decline, there are still coveys to be had should hunters be willing to walk hard. The quail bread basket of Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas will still provide the best numbers of bobwhites. In the southeast, habitat improvements are making a difference at localized levels; and western quail hunters should be the happiest of the bunch, with numbers for all western quail species strong across the board. Remember to always consult official state hunting regulations for rules and season dates, and please carry Quail Forever's code with you into the field this fall:
As a member of Quail Forever, I believe in conserving wildlife and protecting the environment. I promise to leave the outdoors a little better than I found it. I will hunt safely and treat hunting on public and private land as a privilege. I will always ask permission before hunting private land. I will obey all game laws and insist my companions do as well.
2011 Alabama Forecast
Alabama - Tornados Cause Disruption -
2011 Arkansas Forecast
Arkansas - Hunt Hard to Find Birds -
2011 California Forecast
California – Carryover Good, Excellent Broods Surveyed -
2011 Colorado Forecast
Colorado – Northeast Up, Southeast Down -
2011 Florida Forecast
Florida – Good Carryover, But Drought Halts Management Practices -
2011 Georgia Forecast
Georgia – Habitat Helps Bobs Weather Drought -
2011 Idaho Forecast
Idaho – Excellent Year for Quail, Quail Hunters -
2011 Illinois Forecast
Illinois – Late Snow, Cold Blast Bobs -
2011 Iowa Forecast
Iowa – Old Man Winter is Not a Quail Hunter -
2011 Kansas Forecast
Kansas – Central & North Central Look Best -
2011 Kentucky Forecast
Kentucky – Above Average Rain Beneficial to Quail -
2011 Louisiana Forecast
Louisiana – Poor Weather, Renewed Spirit -
2011 Missouri Forecast
Missouri – Winter, Rain Bring Pain for "Show Me" Bobs -
2011 Nebraska Forecast
Nebraska – Husker Quail Rebounding from 2010 Winter -
2011 Nevada Forecast
Nevada – Harvest Down, Still Well above Ten Year Average -
2011 New Mexico Forecast
New Mexico – Drought Throughout State -
2011 North Carolina Forecast
North Carolina – Loss of Habitat Continuing its Effects -
2011 Ohio Forecast
Ohio – Heavy Snow Deals Quail Blow -
2011 Oklahoma Forecast
Oklahoma – Southeast Region Remains Quail Stronghold -
2011 Oregon Forecast
Oregon – California Quail Good, Fair for Mountain Quail -
2011 Tennessee Forecast
Tennessee – Winter Erases Modest Gains -
2011 Texas Forecast
Texas – Drought Follows Promising Year -
2011 Utah Forecast
Utah – Spring Rains Bring Quail Gains -
2011 Virginia Forecast
Virginia – Excellent Hatch Conditions, Stronghold in Tidewater -
2011 Washington Forecast
Washington – Western Triple Threat