BOONE - Iowa’s pheasant hunters can expect to find more
birds this fall when they head to the fields, predict state wildlife
experts. That forecast is based on the recently completed statewide
population survey of pheasants, quail, partridge, cottontail rabbits and
Iowa’s pheasant population increased in every nine
county region except northwest where it was similar to last year. The
survey counted a state average of 21 birds per 30 mile route which
translates to a statewide harvest estimate of 250,000 to 300,000
roosters this fall.
The August roadside survey is tool used by the Iowa
Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to physically record the number of
upland game seen while driving the survey routes. It’s a product of 218
30-mile routes across that state that are conducted Aug. 1-15 beginning
at sunrise. The survey has used the same routes since 1962.
“We weren’t sure what to expect from the survey this
year because the spring weather was all over the board and it likely
impacted some nesting success,” said Todd Bogenschutz, upland wildlife
research biologist for the Iowa DNR. April started cold with 10-20
inches of snow across northern Iowa and then switched to warm and dry by
the end of May.
“The take home message is, if you had good hunting last
year, you can expect similar hunting or better hunting across most of
the state this year,” he said.
The 2018 count was an increase over the 15 birds per
route in 2017. However, Bogenschutz said dry conditions in 2017 likely
did not accurately reflect the pheasant population and when adjusted for
the lack of dew the population would be similar, but still slightly
lower than 2018.
Another positive for hunters is the quail and cottontail rabbit populations, both at present day highs.
“Anyone who has ever had an interest in quail hunting or
hasn’t hunted quail recently – this would be a good fall to go,”
Bogenschutz said.
Iowa’s quail range is across the southern third of the
state. Rabbits are abundant in all parts of Iowa with the highest
populations in southern and east central regions.
Partridge population is similar to 2017 with the highest population in central and northern Iowa.
The lone exception is jackrabbits which have seen its
numbers fall likely due to a landscape that shifted from producing small
grains and fields of short grasses to larger fields of corn and
The August roadside survey and game distribution maps are available online at .
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